The ITC Process

Multiple assessments to determine church health and missional effectiveness

Outside perspectives can be an invaluable tool to better understand your church. A survey will give clear guidance on areas of strength and the limiting factor for growth. Other tools like focus groups or secret shoppers will help to give an outside perspective to customize not only the next steps in this program but also how your church can become healthier and better accomplish your mission. Learn More about evaluation.

A customized team of experts, consultants, and trainers

Based on the needs revealed during the evaluation, this step connects your church to personalized training. This can include outside experts, consultants, classes, or other tools to take your church to the next level. Learn more about training.

Mentors and peers will offer needed support to the senior minister

A church’s health and effectiveness are connected to the senior minister, so this program provides for mentor level coaching and peer coaching. Both mentors and peers can help the minister by providing encouragement and accountability to help the church to thrive. Learn more about coaching.